GEICO in the world

Since its founding in 1999, the Spanish Gynecologic Cancer Research Group (GEICO) has demonstrated a total commitment to research and promotion of advances in the treatment of gynecologic cancer. Throughout these years, GEICO has forged a path of leadership in the international scientific community and has played a key role in improving patient care.
In 2003, GEICO became a member of GCIC (Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup), an international platform that brings together 18 cooperative groups from around the world committed to gynecologic cancer research.
This integration has allowed us to collaborate with renowned research groups and to participate in some of the most important international clinical trials in gynecologic oncology.
At the European level, we have also been able to assume a key role through our participation in the European Network of Gynaecological Oncological Trial Groups(ENGOT), the pan-European network created by the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology(ESGO) focused on coordinating and promoting clinical trials in patients with gynecological cancer.
This alliance allows us to develop a fundamental part of our mission, research and training, by conducting academic studies, translational research and multinational clinical trials, maintaining the European spirit and culture and ensuring that every European patient has access to cutting-edge clinical trials.

Under the direction of Dr. Antonio González-MartínPresident of GEICO and Chair of ENGOT during 2018-2020, we remain one of the most active groups and a Leading Group. of some of the studies that are changing the paradigm in the treatment of gynecological tumors such as ENGOT-ov26 (PRIMA), ENGOT-ov41 (ANITA) or ENGOT-cx10 (BEATcc).

GEICO representatives leading in GCIG
Dr. Antonio González GCIG Board of directors
Dra. Ana Oaknin Chair Cervix Committee
Dr. Alejandro Pérez-Fidalgo Co-Chair Phase II Committee
Dr. Ignacio Romero Co-Chair Educational Committee
Dra. Carmen Marqués Co-Chair Harmonization & Operations Committee